Salve NIP,
I hope
everything in your life is going well. Though I’m exhausted and eagerly
awaiting the coming spring break from school, I have no real complaints to
lodge. Life just keeps surprising me and it only seems to get better. Not only
was I selected to be my school’s Teacher of the Year, I recently received the title
of Healthiest Person in Tampa Bay from I hope that when the
story airs on the radio and debuts online that it will help others realize that
they too can achieve their goals, whether they be weight-loss or personal growth
oriented. As with any worthwhile pursuit, it takes patience and persistence.
Now that Erin and I are certified yoga instructors, our new project for this
year is to learn Spanish together. Nosotros estámos aprendiendo español y
estudiamos diario. We did about 45 minutes worth of studying today, on top of
taking Cleo on a couple of nice walks, running a few errands, and doing work
for school. Much of the time today I kept reflecting on how genuinely happy I
am. But the more I reflected on my happiness, the more I realized it was
directly related to my contentedness.
If you had
asked me 15 years ago, I would have told anyone that the worst thing in the
world one could possibly be is “content.” In my youth, I equated being content
with lying down and dying, that contentment meant giving up. Happiness, as the
Founding Fathers had informed me, was to be pursued.
There was no guarantee that I would ever receive it, but it is a necessary part
of the struggle. Now that I’m “40ish”—as my beautiful wife dubbed me the other
day—I think the pursuit is misleading. It seems that happiness is a by-product
of pursuing greater ends and, all told, not much of a pursuit at all. If
anything, it seems that happiness is a lot more easily found if we are willing
to sit still. My happiness has grown incalculably from becoming more content
with my life each and every day. The most absurd part of it all is that the less I want, the more I have. Once I learned to appreciate the abundance in my life,
my contentment—and by extension my happiness—began to truly bloom. One of the
niyamas or “personal observances” on the yogic path is santosha, which is often translated as satisfaction or contentment.
To me, it is the most important of the five because without it we can never
achieve even a moment of mental clarity. Our culture constantly bombards us
with messages that if we don’t have this or that we are utter failures in one
sense or another, but it is our job to always remind ourselves that we already
have untold wealth in other forms.
If I were
to enumerate all of the things that I have that are directly responsible for my
contentment, none of them would be things
at all. Not in a material sense, at any rate. I am married to an incredible
woman who is “the bedrock of my being,” as I recently told her in a poem I
wrote for Valentine’s; I have an amazing family who continually supports me in
all that I do; I have an awesome job at a great school, one that supplies me each
year with a fresh batch of young minds with whom I do my best to positively
influence; I have a great schedule that allows me to discuss issues that I am
most passionate about. I’m sure the list could go on for much longer, but you
probably understand by now. As I share with my AP Human Geography students
almost every day, we live in a developed country and so we really shouldn’t
complain when we don’t get what we want
because almost every single one of us has what we need. Heck, if you’re reading this right now, it means you’re
online and have access to a computer—something that 75% of the people around
the world can’t do because they’re still practicing subsistence agriculture to
feed their families. The curious thing about those people, though, is how happy
they are. Perhaps they know no better because they don’t live in a consumption
based economy (yet), but they sure know how to focus on what they do have:
clothing on their backs, a roof over their heads, food in their bellies, and
love in their family.
What more
could we ask for, NIP? Nothing. And it’s not because there aren’t other things
(whether intangible or material) that can enhance our lives—it’s because asking
is in essence wanting, and wanting only prohibits the fostering of contentment.
Focus on what truly matters in your life and constantly work on reducing what
you perceive as a “need.” Thoreau’s dictum of “Simplify! Simplify!” has spurred
me on for the last few years, always leaving me to ponder, “what else can I
eliminate from my routine?” The more I strip away the frivolities, the more I recognize
the abundance in my life from which I had been distracted. A lot of people want
to be rich but they don’t realize that they already are. It doesn’t take much.
Just a willingness to cultivate our sense of contentment by constantly being
grateful for what we have. Believe me, happiness will pursue you.
In gratitude,
- Ryan